This space will be used to document and record my adventures in Vietnam and throughout South East Asia over the course of the next year.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Teacher Alison at it again

When I left Saigon I swore off teaching. I taught for a long time, I loved it for awhile, it is now a distant memory that will never be repeated. Oops, never say never...

Last week while roaming the streets of Battambang, Mike and I ducked into a small temple compound to check it out. A few minutes later a monk speaking fairly good English approached us and invited us to come speak to the other monks. The monks were very friendly, some of them sucking on cigarettes and watching us while others were asking us many questions, cracking jokes and asking us how to pronounce certain words. As soon as they found out that I was an "english teacher" they had their English textbooks out and were asking me all sorts of complicated questions about negative conjectures, participles and complicated grammar points that I really don't care to ever think about. I did my best at explaining grammar to them and, after an hour of a free English class at a temple in Battambang, we made a polite yet friendly exit.


Blogger Nguyen Le Hieu said...

hey, happy to see you're still making English a wide-spread language... also ask myslef until when Vietnamese can be taught somewhere else not VN =)

hit me back sometimes, just to chat :)


10:48 AM


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