Splurging on Sushi
We've been on the road for one month now and have been keeping to a fairly strict budget... eating at local street stalls, watching the beers, evaluating prices of water etc. etc. But there has been one constant culinary dream of ours which we have spoken about many times and looked forward to constantly.
Sushi, one of the most expensive cuisines in the world, is not well suited to backpackers on a tight string but we set today aside as a celebration of having kept the costs down and we went all out.
After finding a decently priced sushi bar on Silom Rd., touted "the No. 1 Sushi in Japan" we were about to order a decent 13 piece sushi meal when our small, smiling waitress pointed out the Party Set... 48 pieces for only $1.50 more. We went all out and ordered a meal twice the size that it should have been but we did well, guzzling down almost every piece of fish until we rolled our own blowfish-selves home.
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