This space will be used to document and record my adventures in Vietnam and throughout South East Asia over the course of the next year.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Crazy Ho Chi Minh City

I got into Ho Chi Minh City last night and have thus far been completely blown away. The ride in from the airport felt like a surreal movie. Swarms of motorbikes and bicycles and taxis enveloped my cab and I felt astounded by the energy that seems to surge through these streets. I was way too disorientated last night to go out and explore so I went to bed and woke up this morning to the hum of taxis and the call of street vendors.

The streets are packed with people and bikes and it has taken me 10 minutes to work up the nerve to cross each road so far. I had previously thought that I was going to be renting a bike here for myself but one look at the pandemonium on these streets changed my mind for good! Ho Chi Minh City seems alive and electric and the people are really friendly and forthcoming. I have probably seen a total of 10 white people since I've been here, a far and welcome cry from Thailand where the streets seem ruled by foreign backpackers. It's Asia as we imagine it and the sights and smells and sounds are blowing me away.

I am so excited by the future here. I see a year filled with crazy experiences and massive adventures ahead. And now I'm off to explore my new city. Chao.


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