This space will be used to document and record my adventures in Vietnam and throughout South East Asia over the course of the next year.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Public relief/ disbelief

There's a severe lack of public bathrooms in Ho Chi Minh City. I often find myself darting around frantically trying to locate a restroom. But it doesn't seem to deter the men here in the slightest. It seems as if anyone and everyone is relieving themselves on the pavement/in the street/on the trees/in the river.

You name it, they're peeing on it.


Blogger Mai said...

Hi Alison,
First - yes sent through Mike's blog. Secondly I wanted to say that the VN (my peeps) are hugely generous in letting you use their wc (at least in my pre. exp.) so if you ask at a hotel or restaurant (who you aren't doing commerce with) they'll generally let you use their wc -- it even works at stores! (Unlike our janky American retailers who never let non-customers use their wc and sometimes even customers - harumph).

3:37 AM


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