This space will be used to document and record my adventures in Vietnam and throughout South East Asia over the course of the next year.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Scrambled Bush

While everyone in the States settled down after dinner to watch the second Presidential debate between Kerry and Bush, in Saigon we roused ourselves on a Saturday morning to the sound of an 8am alarm clock. Talk about dedicated politics...

The debates themselves were more often than not nonsensical and frustrating, but we had the added pleasure of receiving very little signal throughout the debate. For periods of 10 minutes, we often watched Bush or Kerry in fragments, blurting out monosyllabic utterances on a scrambled screen. While the press is calling Bush the clear winner, I couldn't believe what an embarassment the U.S President is. I found myself wondering whether he was more believable in the inaudible oration that we received.


Blogger Buffalo said...

You use Instapundit, I'll use Kos.

(Come on anyone who quotes the venemous Anne Coulter just shouldn't be trusted)

4:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are so embarassed of President Bush, maybe you should make plans to reside permanently in Vietnam. The USA would be better off without people like you.

11:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

bush does not equal america therefore condemnation of bush does not equal condemnation of america.

9:06 AM


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