This space will be used to document and record my adventures in Vietnam and throughout South East Asia over the course of the next year.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Restaurant row

Last night after surveying our brand new furniture in our beautiful, brand new house, we ventured over to an alley way that we were told had "a nice restaurant." As we turned the corner, we were greeted by a street unlike any I have seen in Vietnam thus far. It was packed with energetic restaurants teeming over with customers. The alleyway was clean and organized and abundant with lively people eating their feasts. Restaurant upon restaurant line the alleyway with fresh shrimp, shellfish, lobster and more on display.

We finally chose our destination and settled in for a meal of squid and shrimp, clams and fresh salad rolls. Mike had to translate the menu for us, cos in that part of the city, there are no English menus... The food was spectacular, the atmosphere was enchanting and I felt so elated thinking that as of Saturday this will be MY neighborhood in Saigon.


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