The night and the life
In answer to the many troubled emails I've received regarding how I am possibly coping with the nightlife here... Yes, there is one and I'm enjoying it. In fact, I'm quite amused by the concern that's been voiced over my nocturnal well-being. Was I that much of a party animal in New York?
So far I've been to a few different spots and it seems like the nightlife varies quite a lot from one place to the next. There is everything from the ghetto dive bar filled with backpackers and pool tables, to the more shwanky lounge type of place. My favorite places so far have been the sidewalk cafes where the Vietnamese sit for hours drinking, eating and talking. The atmosphere is festive and energized and you rarely see many Westerners joining in the fun. It's literally plastic chairs and tables spilling out onto the street but it's awesome just to observe the people and the crazy street scenes.
This friday night I went to a really shwanky bar that was upscale in comparison to many places in New York! It was a really nice place with a fun Vietnamese rock cover band, but it felt a little too colonial for me... (the irony of a Cape Townian saying that is astounding.) But it seems like they're a fair amount of cool places to keep me occupied so don't worry, you can all stop worrying about me! As far as I'm concerned, as long as there are good drinks and better company, I'm a happy girl!