Same same but different
One of my students asked me what the date was this morning and I answered "the 6th of June." Yes, it's 6 days into the New year yet it already feels like it's been six months.
Perhaps the long and taxing days have something to do with it. Our 20 student school accepted 50 new students this morning and our 4 teacher staff has been working like crazy to try get everything sorted out for them. We've hired all sorts of new teachers including Cindy and Matt who will be taking over one of my classes. I handed them over to him tearfully and will miss that awesome and boisterous class who never fail to entertain! And I'll be taking on two new classes including a Fun with English class which I personally'll be a fun class with TV, Poetry writing, creative response, music, plays and more. Should be good. And I'll also be starting a college level class for my graduated advanced students. We'll be reading novels and adapting them into conversation, presentation, writing and research. Should also be challenging yet fun.
What else might be wearing me out? Perhaps the fun and games us Saigoners get up to at night. For an extensive list of our fun-time crew, "click here." This weekend Dave, Mike and I will go to our first Vietnamese wedding ever. From what I've previously heard, a wedding here normally consits of tons of food, tons of drinking and a fashion show down a cat walk in the middle of the reception...? Say wha?
So, the moral of the post is that life is same same but different, that I have become less like my party-gal self than I ever have been and that life is good but crazy. And that Saigon is the shiz.
Hey girl-it has been so long-This is Kim by the way... I have been sick for 2 days staying home and no shit, this is the first time I have gone through my saved email and finally read and kept everything I've been meaning too. I look forward to catching up on your happenings by looking at some of your blogs-I will send a little update on me later. Just from reading this first blog-i was almost checking to see if I was on the right page. What an amazing woman you are!!! As always though-i shouldn't be surprised. I am glad to see that you are in Ho Chi Minh and not Phuket as I had feared. More to come later-much, much love,
Kim Scott
2:21 AM
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