Not dreaming of a white christmas
It's cold in Ho Chi Minh City. It's more bitter than any weather I've experienced in months. Of course, bitter is a relative term when you're living in a city with only one season being THE HOT ONE! But I've experienced at least four shivers over the last two days and I thereby declare it freezing. One week ago I stopped using the air conditioner and on Monday evening we had to put on sweaters and shawls
while on the roof. Last night I was rubbing my arms to keep warm. I'm hardly complaining, as it is definitely a welcome change to the normal sweltering heat that causes torrents of sweat to cascade down one's body. But then I hear stories about 9 degree days from family and friends in New York, and imagine Mike adjusting to the bone chill of Ohio and I am grateful for the lingering heat that prevents us from
even imagining a coat or a sweater. So, while my Christmas won't be a white one, it will be a few degrees below boiling. And for that I'm grateful.
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