Clothing addiction
I'm not an obsessive person by nature. OK, some people will argue that, but it really does take me quite a lot to become addicted. Here in Saigon my interests and enjoyments include salad rolls, xe om driving, soda chanh and Dalat wine but the real addiction has turned out to be tailored clothing.
Every weekend I get lured into the market where reams and reams of material induce the most wonderful and dangerous ideas. The criteria for inventing a new outfit is little. If you can imagine it, you can have it made. Of course this has set me off on a buying frenzy. I spend many free moments dreaming up all sorts of outfits that I've always wanted. I now have two material stalls who know me by name and give me discounts because I buy so much from them. I have tailors who could clothe their entire families with the amount of clothes they make for me and I have a wardrobe that is expanding at such a rate that I need to double my hanger collection every few weeks. Yes, I'm addicted. I guess I'll need to be placed in a fume tent to get my sickness sucked out of me. Either that or it's tailor rehab for me...
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