This space will be used to document and record my adventures in Vietnam and throughout South East Asia over the course of the next year.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Second Sex

This morning we were speaking about gender roles in my conversation class. One of the advanced students was making a point about the unequal treatment of men and women in Vietnam. As he began describing how boys are often put on a pedestal by their fathers, I heard the string of words "are more intelligent than girls" come out of his mouth. Say wha? Yes, it was true... He actually said the words and then continued to defend the point that men are, in fact, more intelligent than women. Absolutely stunned and appalled, I began to tear apart his argument only to find that it was not only he but ALL the boys in this class who not only believed what they were saying but really didn't understand how women could be more intelligent than them. I asked for examples. "Girls cry when they're faced with a challenge," they said. I asked them why women are the chosen sex to rear children. "They aren't as intelligent as men so men need to earn the money," they said. When I asked why, at the advanced level of ELS, there were more girls than boys in the class they looked stumped but maintained their stubborn argument by saying "I don't know, it just happens that their are more girls."

Of course, the girls' argument that men are women are of equal importance was the more intelligent of the two ;) ;)


Blogger mat said...

face it alison, boys rule and girls drool. it's pretty much the first thing they teach us, but i guess you're just not intelligent enough to remember.

[asking for trouble with this one...]

12:37 PM

Blogger YasminDano said...

What the hell?! I think I would have told them to go suck on their mammas tits for more B.S.! Yes how is it possible that men are more intelligent? Hmmmm...lets look at all the world leaders and see how far advanced they really are doing? Oh that's right, majority are third world countries, others are invading and creating wars on false pretenses and others are bitching over some bloody property from thousands of years ago. Oh but hey, men are smarter than women, yet they can't even last longer than a minute in bed with their less intelligent woman. Let alone carry a baby for nine bloody months then breastfeed then wipe their sorry asses after they've crapped in their diapers. Up yours I would have said and up yours to others who think 'men' are more intelligent than women. ;)

2:29 AM

Blogger Chris Kelly said...

I stumbled upon your blog... sorry, but i have to comment about this here topic of "whos smarter"... I believe we are equally dumb and sometimes our lack of intelligence compliments one another. As far as most men go, the problem is most men are ignorant enough to believe something like this.. as people we hardly ever acknowlegde the fact that we are human and make mistakes and act on emotion and moments in time. its funny though, that people actually argue about this in classrooms... wouldnt you just think that we would all be educated enough to know and respect the fact that a topic like that cant be argued? ignorance is bliss....

enjoi... for quality reading go to...

5:39 AM


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